17 'Small,' But Significant, Lifestyle Changes That Help People With Anxiety
1. Making Your Bed Every Morning “I make my bed in the morning. That way I start my day feeling like I’ve already accomplished something....

The 11 Things New Parents Bring Up The Most In Therapy
It’s a fact: life changes when you become a parent. And even if you think you’re prepared for the lack of sleep and change in routine...

Read This Story and Get Happier The most popular course at Yale teaches how to be happy. We took it
Professor Laurie Santos didn’t set out to create the most popular course in the history of Yale University and the most talked-about...

How to Stop a Bad Moment From Destroying Your Whole Day
You’re going about your day when something unfortunate happens — you get a parking ticket, maybe, or find out your boss removed you from...

How to be Mindful in an Argument
“Just because we disagree with someone, it doesn’t have to become a heated exchange. Staying mindful during an argument allows us to...

The first step to overcoming procrastination: Know thyself
Procrastination is one of the most damaging characteristics that students display because it robs them of good grades and prevents them...

Running From the Pain
Here’s the most important thing I learned while writing a book on running and mental health: In clinical studies, regular aerobic...

A Cure for Disconnection
In the world of Peanuts, Charlie Brown once visited Lucy's psychiatry booth and asked, "Can you cure loneliness?" "For a nickel, I can...